The Marfetats Conspiracy Againgst the PEople and Death Faces™

have you ever seen those StateFarm ads on facebook that show peoples Face's™ ? Weel, those people are dead. Leet me show you why. it al starte wehn I saw advert on faceBook. When I sleep, I heard knocked at the of window. I was terrifying about it. The taping turned to knocke and then a business man in a business suit™ came in with a sword. He said to me before he kill "You saw me face, I can't let you life?!" He kill me. Now I am dead. I am writing from the Hells of the Devil™. The Business Man in The Business Suit™ has found me in The Hells of The Devil™. Oh know! He will killed me again. good Bye. AaAaAahH! "The Business Man In The Business Suit™" has killed me Again!